You Were Created to Worship

Discover God's purpose for you through Biblical teaching, practical mentoring, and musical training at Living Light School of Worship.

Intimacy with God

Deepen your passion and hunger for God. We equip lovers of God to hear His voice, know Him intimately, worship Him in all aspects of life, and spread His fame to the ends of the earth.

Hear guest speakers from:

Strong Foundations

Nine core classes help you understand the Kingdom of God, deepen your understanding of Scripture and theology, and become rooted and grounded in God’s love.

Develop a lifestyle of extravagant worship to God.

Missional Training

Each student is involved in life of the local church and engaged in God’s mission to the world through homegroups, worship teams, discipleship, serving in the local church community, outreach events, and more.

Choose Your Track

Find out more about our core classes in our Program Overview.

Music Track

The Music Track is designed for students who want to increase their skill and understanding of music and learn how to apply that skill in worship teams. This track will explore core music classes and includes weekly private lessons in the student's chosen major.

Discipleship Track

The Discipleship Track is designed for students who want to grow in character, gain Biblical knowledge, and be equipped to live out the purpose of God in their daily lives.

Music Production Track

The Music Production Track is designed to introduce students to the techniques and tools necessary to begin engineering, mixing and producing live sound as well as studio recording.

See what students have to say:


“My time at Living Light School of Worship was one of the most impactful and defining years in my life. It not only strengthened me as a musician, but it truly transformed my walk with God.”

Jen Ledger, SKILLET and LEDGER – Class of ’07

“During my year on the School of Worship, I built incredible relationships, had amazing experiences, and encountered the heart of God in transformative ways. My classes were full of opportunities for in-depth study and impactful conversations about worship and the Word of God.”

Mikah Steitz, Lake City, MI – Class of ’20

“A lot of people come into the school of worship thinking it’s just a music school, but it’s not. It’s about worship in every aspect of our lives and fully permeating everything that we do. Not just a Sunday morning and not just in our music.”

Andrew Leifker – Cadillac MI, Class of ’15

“In coming to the school, I realized that even though I had previously led thousands of people in worship, I had just scratched the surface of what worship really is. Learning how much God wants to speak to His people in worship has changed the way I lead and my lifestyle as a worshiper.”

Kendra Duffield – Jacksonville, FL., Class of ‘03

9 months will change your life.

Are you ready?