The Discipleship Track is for those who want to grow in character, gain Biblical knowledge, and be equipped to live out the purpose of God in our daily lives.
Discipleship Classes
In addition to core classes, all Discipleship Track students will participate in these track-specific classes:
Become more like Christ by discovering what the Bible says about transformation, spiritual practices, faith, righteousness, and what it means to become a disciple of Christ.
We live in a generation that often emphasizes the need for obtaining knowledge rather than wisdom. In this class, we will study the book of Proverbs and focus on becoming wise men and women of God amidst a chaotic and superficial world.
How do we respond, in day to day life, to the famous commission found in Matthew 28:18-20? In this class, we will consider what Jesus is expecting of us, and how we can be led and equipped by him to have a discipling influence on those around us.
Sometimes we try to separate the spiritual and practical in our lives. In this class, we will look at developing practical skills for achieving personal goals, working in teams, task management, and effectiveness in communication.
No matter how busy our lives get, it is of utmost importance that we give time to prayer. The goal of this class is to learn and practice practical habits that reinforce a lifestyle of prayer by being in constant communication with God.